Being Lulled by the Magic of the Big Red Button
I have seen it too often.
Sales guys talks to security decision maker about the need to
proactively find vulnerabilities. Then
the sales guy shows the decision maker this amazing product which finds
vulnerabilities in source code. The
decision maker buys the product and gives it to his security engineer.
The security engineer is given some basic (1 week or no)
training and is tasked with running the tool on their source code.
This is where the value you get out the tool may vary.
Sometimes you get lucky and scan an application which is
supported by the static analysis tool (often a Web application using a well
supported language/framework). Other
times you scan code that is very esoteric such as a smart card or embedded
secure element application and are lucky to get a few of the more serious security
findings (buffer overflow, integer overflow, command injection, sql injection,
There are many things that could have gone wrong. This book/paper will give you the skills to
troubleshoot what may have gone wrong and help you get the most out of your
static analysis investment.
Overall Process
Getting the most out of your static analysis can be easier
when you follow a logical process. Here
is the process I am advocating:
Understand What you are Scanning (Language, Web
app, mobile app, trusted app, library, etc.)
Validate the Integrity of Your Scan
Add Custom Rules
Add Canaries
Understand What Static Analysis Cannot Do
Understanding What You are Scanning
You need to make sure that the static analysis tool you are
using has rules to find the more serious vulnerabilities in your app. In order to verify with your static analysis tool
vendor, you need to understand what language, frameworks, libraries, backends,
and environments your application runs in.
If you are running the Spring MVC web framework with a JDBC
based backend then your tool will probably provide good coverage. However, if you are using a more esoteric
framework or your own custom web framework then most tools will require you to
write custom rules to find the more “meaty” vulnerabilities (XSS, Path
Manipulation, Buffer Overflow, Integer Overflow, SQL Injection, Command
Injection, etc.) The type of custom
rules required depends on where the lack of coverage of rules applies. For example, if you are using a custom web
framework which receives input from the user, you will need to create source or
entrypoint rules. If you use a custom
backend or not so popular database then you will need to create sink
rules. And if you use a 3rd
party library in your application and do not include the library’s source
during the scan then you will need passthrough rules.
When you understand what you are scanning you can ask your
static analysis tools vendor more intelligent questions such as, “Do you have
support for framework X?” or “Can your tool find vulnerabilities in usage of
database X APIs?” In a lot of cases,
multiple vendors will say “Yes”. This is
not enough. When trying to select between
different static analysis tools vendors ask them to show you the rules specific
to your framework, libraries, and back-ends.
Look at the quality of the rules.
Don’t just compare the number of rules.
Make sure the rules cover the most serious vulnerabilities that you are
aware of in your framework, library or back-ends.
Once you are satisfied with the rule coverage of what you
are scanning and you are confident in the coverage of your application
components provided by your static analysis tool vendor then you can proceed to
scan your application.
The first thing you should do after scanning your
application is assessing the integrity of the scan.
Validating the Integrity of the Scan
Now that you think you have scanned the application, you
need to verify that the scan covered all of the files in your application and
occurred without any errors.
In this sub-process, you will ask yourself the following
- Did
all of your source and application
artifacts get scanned by your
static analysis tool (Verifying Coverage)?
- Were there any errors during the translation?
- Were there any errors during the analysis phase?
- All these worked fine…Now What?
Verifying Coverage
Almost every static analysis engine will convert your source
files into some type of intermediate file representation which can be analyzed
more generically. Each static analysis
tool is different in the exact format but most will store these intermediate
files on the file system. These files
will have similar names to the original file it was created from:
Your/source/directory/ =>
You can quickly compare the program files in your source
directory with the generated intermediate files in static analysis engine build_id
directory. You will need to contact your
static analysis vendor support team to find the specific location of these
intermediate representation files.
In Coverity you can see which files were translated by
looking for “cov-translate” in your build.log or looking in the cov-build –dir <idir> directory
In Checkmarx, the
<Engine Install
name>\YYYYMMDDT######-##_#_#########_############_#-##########_####.log will
list the files that have been translated.
If there are files that were not translated (you are missing
translated files), you will need to identify the cause. In some cases, the command line tools that
translate the source files may be misspelled in the make files. Other times there will be a bug introduced in
the modified make file which will cause the build to fail part way through the
build. Other times, the compiler used by
the application is not recognized by the static analysis tool. You will need to make modifications to the
static analysis tool configuration settings to recognize your compiler. Once you have verified that all of the
relevant files have been translated or that you cannot get more files to
translate then you will need to see if there were errors during or after the
translation process.
To identify if an error occurred during translation, you
will need to get the static analysis tool to output debug information to a log file. Every static tool has a way of doing this and
you can look in the User’s Guide for your static analysis tool to find out how
to enable this feature.
Once the feature is enabled and you have the logs, you will
need to check the logs for errors and exceptions. Most errors that I have encountered have been
related to not being able to resolve dependencies, running out of resources, or
exceptions thrown during translation.
In addition, seeing an output file as a result of the
translation phase is not enough. Make
sure that the size is non-zero and if you are really paranoid look into the
file to make sure all methods in the source class are represented in the
translated file.
When you get a message that a class was not able to be
resolved, the tool is telling you that the source code was not provided and
thus dataflow through these objects will be blocked. You will need to find the jar file or library
containing the missing class/resource and include it as part of your classpath
to get rid of this issue.
Errors and exceptions during translation to intermediate
files are usually due to the parser not being able to understand certain coding
constructs. There may be settings to
enable support for different versions of programming language constructs. For example, Java 8 formally introduced
lambda expressions into the language. If
the static analysis engine is configured to parse Java 1.7 structures, it may
fail parsing 1.8 lambda expressions. Once
all of the files have been successfully translated, you will need to check the
logs for analysis failures.
Analysis Failures
You can identify analysis failures by looking for messages
similar to “dataflow analysis failed …”, “error”, “exception” or “[some type
of] analysis failed”. If this type of
error occurs, then you will need to contact the support team of your static
analysis vendor. The common type of
analysis based error is when the analysis engine runs out of resources. Common resources that cause problems are lack
of memory (OutOfMemoryException) or lack of disk (missing file descriptors or
space). The only way to solve these types
of resource problems is by adding more resources (disk space, memory, CPUs,
etc.) It is typical to be running your
scans on systems with more than 128+GB of RAM—especially if you can run the
scan in parallel. Also, using SSD could
reduce the translation times for large scans.
So now that you are translating all your files and there are
no errors in the logs—you may still not be getting the “meaty” security related
findings (and even if you are--you should still read on to possibly get more)? In order to move forward you need to
understand the static analysis process.
Getting an Understanding of the Internal Process of the Static Analysis Engine to Dig Deeper
There are usually several steps that all static analysis
engines go through when analyzing code.
The first is translating the code into a format which can be
analyzed. Once the source code is in a
format which can be analyzed then the analysis can occur. There are different kinds of analysis that
the static analysis engine can do on your source code. Dataflow is the most common used to find “meaty”
security vulnerabilities. With dataflow
analysis, a static analysis engine will trace through the source code of the
application looking for paths from sources or entry points to sinks. Sources
and entry points are where untrusted (attacker provided) data enters your
application. The code is then traversed
to identify pathways to sinks. Sinks represent locations in code where
untrusted data may cause a vulnerability.
The traversing of code for dataflow analysis is usually dependent on
having all the source code in the call path.
If you don’t have the source for a particular library in a call path,
then you will need to write pass-through rules to help the static analysis
engine “connect the dots”. If you do not
write a pass-through rule then the static analysis engine will not know how to
trace the dataflow further through the 3rd party API calls. 3rd
party libraries are the jar files that you include in the “lib” folder of your
application where the source of these libraries was not included in the scan. The important thing to understand is that if
your code call paths go through 3rd party libraries before reaching
sinks, the static analysis engine will usually need you to write pass-through
rules for the 3rd party libraries that you use or include the source
of the 3rd party libraries in your code scan to get results flowing
through the 3rd party libraries.
Some smarter static analysis engines (Checkmarx) utilize heuristics in
the code to generate pass-through rules on the fly.
So you added source, entrypoint, passthrough, and sink rules
and/or you included the source code of the open source libraries in the scan
but are still not getting security findings, you may have problems with your new
custom rules.
Coverage of Rules Determines How Well You Will Find Vulnerabilities
Every static analysis tool has a set of core rules. These rules have to be written for different
types of applications, frameworks, and architecture. The problem is that most of these rules are
tied to a core set of popular languages, applications (web and mobile), and
frameworks. If you are working with less
popular architectures, frameworks, trusted execution environments, embedded
Secure Elements (eSE) or libraries, you will probably find your tool lacking in
direct support of these esoteric architectures, languages, and frameworks. It is because there are no rules that can
generate the data flows to identify vulnerabilities in your architecture, application,
framework or library. So how can you
tell if there is a rules problem in the first place? You need a way to verify that a finding is
being found if present.
Creating Static Analysis Code Canaries
Canaries were taken into coal mining shafts with the miners.
If the birds started acting weird or got sick the miners knew to exit the mine
because of the dangerous situation. A
canary in the static analysis sense means adding a vulnerability to your source
code that should be identified by your static analysis engine to prove that it
is working properly. The placement of
canaries is important because you want ensure coverage over the common data
flows through your application. The
placement of your canary should take 3rd party libraries and event
based code paths into account. If possible you should place canaries in ever increasing
levels of depth in your application.
Also very the type of location, i.e., front end code for XSS, backend
code for SQL Injection, and business logic for file path manipulation. Ensure that you place comments around your
code such as:
//Canary Begin
boolean businessLogicMethod(String untrusted_param, … ) {
File f = new File(untrusted_param);
File f = new File(untrusted_param);
//Canary End
Then add a rule to look for the keyword “Canary” in
If you scan your code and the canaries do not show up as
vulnerabilities, then you know you have a missing rules problem. So now that you recognize that you have a
rules problem, how you know which types of rules to write?
Adding Custom Rules
When you are determining what type of rules to write, you
need to consider the type of application you are scanning. It will also help to get in contact with the
support team of your static analysis vendor to ask them directly if they
support your architecture, framework, language or library. You will need to provide them with what type
of application you are scanning (mobile, web, REST, kernel, eSE, trusted
application, etc.), as well as all the libraries, frameworks, services, 3rd
party components and back-ends (Oracle, No-SQL[Mongo-DB, Cassandra, Riak,
etc.], REST) used by the application. In
some unique cases because of the framework used or the architecture, you will
need to write source or entrypoint rules to identify where untrusted data
enters the application. This is usually
dependent on the framework or callback methods of the architecture. For example, there may be a main method where
the parameters to the method are passed in from untrusted data sources. If the code paths utilize 3rd
party libraries to filter, enhance or modify the untrusted data before reaching
sinks you will usually need to write pass-through rules. If you know that certain back-ends, libraries
or services that you are using are not supported by the static analysis engine
then you will need to do a threat analysis of the back-end, library, or service
API to determine what sink rules need to be written. In some cases, your rules
will need to be flexible. For example,
if you are using a framework which supports “convention over configuration”,
you will need to use markers like parameters of a public method in a class
which extends a base class to identify entry points for attacker provided data.
These custom rule will allow you create the necessary data flows to catch the
more serious vulnerabilities like buffer overflow, integer overflow, and other
code execution vulnerabilities. However,
there are some cases where the sources of untrusted data are not clearly
identified in the code being scanned.
Libraries are one example of code that lacks clear sources
of untrusted data. This is because
libraries inherit sources of untrusted data from the web, mobile, and desktop
applications that they are used within. Typically, a call path will start at
web, mobile, or desktop application input interface then pass through a 3rd
party library and finally end up at a sink.
Sources in web applications are different from sources in mobile and
desktop applications. Basically, to find
vulnerabilities in libraries you need to scan the source code of the library
with the source code of the application that it runs within so that real word
sources can be applied to dataflow through the library. If you are a company that only develops a
library, you will need to develop entry point or characterization rules to create
artificial sources and entry points through your library to find
Rule Types
Each static analysis engine will allow you to write custom
rules to enhance its results and meet your unique application, framework, or
library. The following are the most
common types of rules that you will create to meet 90% of your needs.
Source rules allow you to define runtime function calls which return untrusted data (data controlled
by external entities) or functions with IN_OUT parameter types which return
untrusted data via its IN_OUT parameter.
One of the most well known in web applications is request
parameters. In Java Servlets the method
used to get request parameters is:
String untrustedData = request.getParameter(“parameterName”);
The getParameter(…) method
returns attacker controlled data in the query string of a URL request to the
An attacker could type the following into the URL:’%20or%201=1%20--
In CheckMarx, the source rule would look like the following:
Return All.FindByMemberAccess(“ServletRequest.getParameter”)
In Coverity, it would look like the following:
"taint_kind": "servlet",
"tainted_data": {
"return_value_of": {
"or": [
// The native getParameter call
"matching": "^javax\\.servlet\\.ServletRequest\\.getParameter\\("
// All implementations that override the getParameter
"overrides": "^javax\\.servlet\\.ServletRequest\\.getParameter\\("
"taint_kind": "servlet",
"tainted_data": {
"return_value_of": {
"or": [
// The native getParameter call
"matching": "^javax\\.servlet\\.ServletRequest\\.getParameter\\("
// All implementations that override the getParameter
"overrides": "^javax\\.servlet\\.ServletRequest\\.getParameter\\("
In Fortify, it would look like the following:
<DataflowSourceRule language="java" formatVersion="3.8">
<NamespaceName><Pattern>javax\.servlet</Pattern></NamespaceName> <ClassName><Pattern>ServletRequest</Pattern></ClassName>
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true">
<NamespaceName><Pattern>javax\.servlet</Pattern></NamespaceName> <ClassName><Pattern>ServletRequest</Pattern></ClassName>
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true">
Entry Point
An entry point rule is similar to a source rule in that it
identifies where untrusted data is coming into the application but instead of
identifying a runtime function which
returns untrusted data, an entry point rule identifies function definition parameters of methods which should be
considered untrusted.
A good example is
public static void main (String args[]) {
This method is the main entry point for command line
parameters that can be provided by an attacker when starting your application.
In CheckMarx, the rule would look like the following:
In Coverity, it would look like the following:
"taint_kind": "servlet",
"tainted_data": {
"all_params_of": {
"and": [
"with_annotation": {
"matching": "^org\\.springframework\\.web\\.bind\\.annotation\\.RequestMapping$"
"in_class": {
"with_super": {
"with_annotation": {
"matching": "^org\\.springframework\\.stereotype\\.Controller$"
"taint_kind": "servlet",
"tainted_data": {
"all_params_of": {
"and": [
"with_annotation": {
"matching": "^org\\.springframework\\.web\\.bind\\.annotation\\.RequestMapping$"
"in_class": {
"with_super": {
"with_annotation": {
"matching": "^org\\.springframework\\.stereotype\\.Controller$"
In Fortify, it would look like the following:
<DataflowEntryPointRule language="java"
formatVersion="3.8"> <RuleID>xxxx</RuleID>
<NamespaceName> <Pattern>.*</Pattern></NamespaceName>
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true">
<NamespaceName> <Pattern>.*</Pattern></NamespaceName>
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true">
A Sink rule represents parameters of a function which, if
untrusted data were to reach, would cause a exploitable vulnerability.
A SQL Injection vulnerability sink would be the first
argument to
In CheckMarx, the rule would look like the following:
In Coverity, it would look like the following:
"type" :
"Coverity analysis configuration",
"format_version" : 1,
: [
// Definition of
the checker with name, description, remediation
"dataflow_checker_name" :
"taint_kinds" : [ "network", "servlet",
"database", "filesystem", "console",
"environment", "system_properties", "rpc" ],
"languages": {
"Java" : "Webapp-Security-Preview"
"covlstr_sink_message" : "{CovLStrv2{{t{A tainted value
{0} is evaluated by a NoSQLsink.}{\"\"}}}}",
"covlstr_remediation_advice" : "{CovLStrv2{{t{Avoid
evaluating untrusted data.}}}}"
// Sinks
"sink_for_checker": "DF.FAKE_NOSQL_QUERY_INJECTION",
"sink" : {
"param_index": 1,
"methods": {
"overrides": {
"matching" : "java\\.sql\\.Statement\\.execute\\(.*"
In Fortify, it would look like the following:
<DataflowSinkRule language="java"
formatVersion="3.8"> <RuleID>xxxx</RuleID><FunctionIdentifier>
<NamespaceName><Pattern>java\.sql</Pattern></NamespaceName> <ClassName><Pattern>Statement</Pattern></ClassName>
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true">
<NamespaceName><Pattern>java\.sql</Pattern></NamespaceName> <ClassName><Pattern>Statement</Pattern></ClassName>
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true">
A passthrough rule allows the static analysis engine to
create a short cut through a 3rd party library while preserving any
markers on the dataflow.
In CheckMarx, the rule would look like the following:
Not needed
In Coverity, it would look like the following:
public class String {
public static String format(String format, Object args...) {
return unknown();
public static String format(String format, Object args...) {
return unknown();
In Fortify, it would look like the following:
<DataflowPassthroughRule language="java"
formatVersion="3.8"> <RuleID>xxxx</RuleID>
<NamespaceName> <Pattern>java\.lang</Pattern></NamespaceName>
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true">
<NamespaceName> <Pattern>java\.lang</Pattern></NamespaceName>
<ApplyTo implements="true" overrides="true" extends="true">
Dynamic Application of Sink, Source or Entrypoint rule to Matched Code Constructs
A hybrid rule allows you to match on program constructs programmatically
and set those matched items as sinks, entrypoints, sources, or passthroughs.
In CheckMarx, the rule would look like the following:
CxList input = All.FindByName("input");
CxList db = All.FindByName("execute");
CxList sanitize = All.FindByName("fix");
return db.InfluencedByAndNotSanitized(input, sanitize);
CxList db = All.FindByName("execute");
CxList sanitize = All.FindByName("fix");
return db.InfluencedByAndNotSanitized(input, sanitize);
In Fortify, it would look like the following:
formatVersion="3.8” language="java"><RuleID>zzzz</RuleID>
Variable p: p.enclosingFunction is
[Function f: f.parameters contains p] and p.enclosingFunction.annotations contains [Annotation b: matches "org\.restlet\.resource\.(Delete|Put|Post|Get)"]]]></StructuralMatch>
foreach p {
TaintEntrypoint(p, {+WEB +XSS})
]]></Definition></ CharacterizationRule>
Variable p: p.enclosingFunction is
[Function f: f.parameters contains p] and p.enclosingFunction.annotations contains [Annotation b: matches "org\.restlet\.resource\.(Delete|Put|Post|Get)"]]]></StructuralMatch>
foreach p {
TaintEntrypoint(p, {+WEB +XSS})
]]></Definition></ CharacterizationRule>
Now you are getting pretty “meaty” vulnerabilities from your
tool, but it does not end there. Static analysis
cannot find all security vulnerabilities in your code.
Understand What Static Analysis Cannot Do
In order to do a complete risk analysis of your application
you need to consider the following:
Manual Code Review
Penetration Testing
Problems with 3rd Party Libraries
Manual Code Review
There are just some things which are difficult for a machine
to understand. Maybe AI will handle
these in 20-40 years but for now you need to handle the following:
Password Handling (Reset, Storage, and Policies)
Input Validation
Negative values
Session Management
Proper Cryptography
Business Logic Vulns
Information Leakage
File Upload/Download Logic
Error Handling
Languages not covered well by tool or cross
language calls (JNI, Unmanaged Code, system calls, etc.)
If you want more details on how to review the bulleted items
above please see:
Penetration Testing
Penetration testing provides a great way to verify fixes and
look for unresolved vulnerabilities.
Penetration testing gives you a chance to find vulnerabilities outside
the application code which result from interactions with other systems and
services. It also is a way to look at
the application from an attacker’s point of view.
Penetration testing and source code analysis combined
together can do a comprehensive job of assessing risk in applications but there
is one other area of concern—3rd party libraries.
Problems with 3rd Party Libraries
3rd party libraries are usually included with
your application as dlls, jar files, shared objects, etc. The problem arises when you scan the application
without the library’s source code. This
can cause two problems: 1. The dataflows through the library are blocked 2. The vulnerabilities in the libraries
themselves are hidden.
Source (or Entrypoint) + ??? (No sinks) = No Vulnerability Found
When dataflows are blocked, the scanner will not be able to
link from a source to a sink.
You can create passthrough rules through the library to
connect the Sources and Sinks.
You can also include the source code of the library itself
in the scan. This will allow you to see
the vulnerabilities in the library as well as connect sources to sinks in the
application (as depicted below).
In addition, you will also want to run a tool like OWASP
Dependency Check. This is a great free
tool which will look at the Java and C# libraries in your application and alert
you to known vulnerabilities for the version of your library that you are
Scanning a library by itself leads to another set of
Problems Scanning a Library by Itself
Usually a library inherits its sources and sinks from the application
that it runs in. When a library is
scanned in isolation, it doesn’t have sources so the “meaty” vulnerabilities do
not usually show up.
Empty Source/Entry points + Sink = No Vulnerability Found
The solution is to write entrypoint rules on all public
interfaces to the library. This allows
the static analysis tool to create the necessary dataflows to find the “meaty”
vulnerabilities within the library itself.
Entrypoint rules on public interfaces + Sink = Library
Conclusion and Thanks
You should have a deeper understanding of static analysis
tools and how to get more value out of your tool. Using the techniques in this presentation have
increased result output by over 10X in certain cases for security issues like
buffer overflow.
I would like to give thanks to the following people for
helping me with this work and providing rules and insight:
Sung Min Hong (Staff Engineer)
Romain Gaucher (Security Researcher at Coverity)
Alvaro Muñoz (Principle Security Researcher at HP Fortify)
Amit Ashbel (Product Marketing at Checkmarx)
Ohad Rabinovich (Engine Product Manager at Checkmarx)
Abraham Kang Bio
Abraham worked with Wells Fargo for over 4 years as an
Information Security Engineer and Security Code Reviewer using static and
dynamic analysis tools. He also worked
as a Principal Security Researcher for Fortify developing custom rules for the
Fortify Static Code Analysis (SCA) tool.
Currently Abraham works for a major mobile communications company. He has over 8 years of experience using
static analysis tools.
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